Bud to FernQuetico portage Posted by: Shani Season/Year: 03 Water Level: unsure Length: 400 meters Rating: easy | Additional Perspectives:
Portage Description: Beautiful, absoulutely beautiful!!! The trail is easy and short with a down slope, theres one small rock to go up and over near the begining. At the end of the trail there is a few massive old growth White Pines (upwards of 4 foot diameter). Near the start of the trail there is a great rock campsite with a 7 foot waterfall on one side of it and a small creek running down the other. Lake after portage: Fern Known campsites: 2 Lake Description: Beautiful little lake with some really interesting rock formation. Portage from Fern into: Olifaunt Unnamed* *Sauvage Portage Return to Bud