QuietJourney.Com Paddler's Olive Jar

Name: Jeff Johnson
E-Mail: johnsons_AT_inetone_DoT_net
From: Athens, West Virginia
Date: Wed Jun 23 09:54:57 1999
Visits: No - but I will

We will be leaving 06/27/99 with a small group of Boy Scouts to spend some time at BWCA. We are looking forward to trying out some calm waters in one of the more beautiful parts of the country.

Name: Ken Johnson
E-Mail: rvrrat_AT_bright_DoT_net
From: Van Wert OH USA
Date: Fri Jun 18 13:12:14 1999
Visits: No

I've been paddleing for 16 years, camping for 27 years. It's always been a fantasy of mine to someday paddle the Boundry Waters. Until it happens, I'll be making vicarious visits by way of this site.

Name: Larry
From: Washington
Date: Thu Jun 17 19:37:15 1999
Visits: Stayed there many times

I wish i could live near the area it is great fun and I have many great memories there!

Name: Nicholas S.
E-Mail: Nicholas_AT_montane_DoT_com
From: Portland Oregon
Date: Tue Jun 15 16:05:57 1999
Visits: No

Beautifully done, I enjoyed my visit to your site and plan to check back! I work with a company that Manufactures and sells hard to find and unique camping equipment! , If your feeling adventurous please drop on by. www.montane.com

Name: Scott Buehler
E-Mail: buehler_AT_bigfoot_DoT_com
From: Gurnee, IL
Date: Tue Jun 15 15:33:07 1999
Visits: No - but I will

Loved your site and the opening sounds of the LOONS....how peaceful and calming. My father taught me the love of the north-woods, and to this day that love stays strong. Thanks for the loon sounds, I've book-marked the opening to help sooth the hectic days!!

Name: Bill
E-Mail: 503perry_AT_kconline_DoT_com
From: Warsaw,Indiana usa
Date: Tue Jun 15 07:39:45 1999
Visits: Stayed there many times

Always enjoyed the beautiful sights, and especially the wildlife

Name: jim
E-Mail: gunterj_AT_et_DoT_swsc_DoT_k12_DoT_ar_DoT_us
From: Hope, Arkansas, USA
Date: Sat Jun 12 02:04:59 1999
Visits: No - but I will

plan to visit there in early July with my scout troop for the first time. I enjoyed your site.

Name: david
E-Mail: dont have an address yet
From: milwaukee wi usa
Date: Wed Jun 9 17:30:17 1999
Visits: Camped there a few times

good site, nice photos, i'm a landscape painter and I know my june trip will give up plenty of paintings doin kawnipi this time p.s. any first timers going in read a sigurd olson book to get you fired up for it i reccomend The Lonely Land/ i'll let you know how it goes in june p.s.s, i hope all those rumors about the black fly hatch aren't true hey by the way Tom Uttech was one of my painting instructors at UWM if you see this Tom ,hello, I missed you at school my last year , hope things are going well.

Name: Jeff
E-Mail: Pickerel99_AT_aol_DoT_com
From: Illinois
Date: Wed Jun 9 14:18:20 1999
Visits: Camped there many times

After looking at your page I can wait for my July trip to get here. Thanks!

Name: Glenn V
From: Maplewood MN
Date: Wed Jun 9 09:31:03 1999
Visits: Camped there many times

Nice site. It reminded me of one hot July afternoon on the portage from Twin to Maria, after first portaging the canoe, I returned and had a few big gulps of cherry Kool-Aid before my next trip. Then I stuck the bottle in the day food pack for my wife to portage on her next trip. After an unusually long time she finally reached the end of the fairly long, uphill, muddy portage. She seemed a little upset... Turns out I forgot to close the bottle. Ooops! Sorry dear. :-)

Please leave your thoughts too!

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